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How do you enlarge the muscles?

How do you enlarge the muscles?

Working out with weights will stress the muscles so that, while you rest, they rebuild bigger and stronger.

Trauma to the Muscle: Activating The Satellite Cells
When muscles undergo intense exercise, as from a resistance training bout, there is trauma to the muscle fibers that is referred to as muscle injury or damage in scientific investigations. This disruption to muscle cell organelles activates satellite cells, which are located on the outside of the muscle fibers between the basal lamina (basement membrane) and the plasma membrane (sarcolemma) of muscles fibers to proliferate to the injury site (Charge and Rudnicki 2004). In essence, a biological effort to repair or replace damaged muscle fibers begins with the satellite cells fusing together and to the muscles fibers, often leading to increases in muscle fiber cross-sectional area or hypertrophy. The satellite cells have only one nucleus and can replicate by dividing. As the satellite cells multiply, some remain as organelles on the muscle fiber where as the majority differentiate (the process cells undergo as they mature into normal cells) and fuse to muscle fibers to form new muscle protein stands (or myofibrils) and/or repair damaged fibers. Thus, the muscle cells' myofibrils will increase in thickness and number. After fusion with the muscle fiber, some satellite cells serve as a source of new nuclei to supplement the growing muscle fiber. With these additional nuclei, the muscle fiber can synthesize more proteins and create more contractile myofilaments, known as actin and myosin, in skeletal muscle cells. It is interesting to note that high numbers of satellite cells are found associated within slow-twitch muscle fibers as compared to fast-twitch muscle fibers within the same muscle, as they are regularly going through cell maintenance repair from daily activities.

  • What food can enlarge muscle?

    Foods that contain protein. Beans, soybeans, meats and fish all contain protein.

  • Can a muscle be in a muscle?

    Yes but only if you work out every day for about 3 hours
  • Joins muscle to muscle or muscle to bone?

    Tendons join muscle to bone, and muscles sometimes attach to each other. They are called functional muscle groups, or synergists.

  • What muscles are voluntary muscles and which are involuntary muscles?

    Voluntary muscles are skeletal muscles (under somatic control) and involuntary muscles involve the heart, smooth muscles and anything under autonomic control.

  • What binds muscle to bone and muscle to muscle?

    Tendons bind muscles to bones.
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    Causes of Hair Loss in Adults and Children

    There are several causes of hair loss in adults and children, from hereditary hair loss or hair thinning, poor diet, hormonal imbalances, side effect of medication and disease.

    Below are many factors that can lead male pattern baldness, thinning hair in women, and hair loss in children.
    • androgenic alopecia
    • nutritional deficiency
    • stress and anxiety
    • poor diet
    • diseases
    The most common cause of hair loss in men and women is androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness in men or hair thinning in women.  While the most common form of male pattern baldness is found in the crown area of the head, women tend to suffer from thinning hair.  This is where the hair follicles go to sleep and stop producing hair.  As hair falls out, it is not replaced with new healthy hair.

    5 Causes of Hair Loss

    Androgenic Alopecia

    Androgenic refers to the influence of androgens (male hormones), and genetic predisposition to balding.  While genetics, hereditary baldness or thinning hair are likely indicators of your developing hair loss, family history of balding is not always enough to predict that you will experience male pattern baldness.
    Men and women produce androgenic hormones, Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), androsteinedione, and testosterone. For men, these hormones are produced the testicles and adrenals. For women, the  ovaries and adrenal glands are responsible for the production of hormones that control hair growth.  Exposure of DHT to genetically susceptible hair follicles, can lead to male pattern baldness or thinning hair, called ndrogenic alopecia. There is no exact age when male pattern baldness begins, but it can start in males as young as their late teens.

    Nutrition Deficiency

    Poor diet is one factor that can cause hair loss.   People with poor diets tend to eat foods high in trans fats, cholesterol and sugar that are devoid of sufficient levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals and nutrients that sustains and nourished the hair and hair follicle.  Poor nutrition can damage hair and hair follicles, or prevents efficient blood flow from nourishing cells in the scalp.
    If the follicle “goes to sleep” or becomes blocked, this can lead to hair loss in men or thinning hair in women.  With the growing epidemic of obesity in children and adults, the lack of nutrition is leading to damaged or thinning hair at any age that can eventually lead to hair loss in men, women and children.

    Stress and Hair Loss

    If you are wondering if stress can cause hair loss.  Daniel K. Hall-Flavin, M.D. of the Mayo Clinic, says yes stress can cause  hair loss.  Stress itself does not cause hair loss, but rather contributes hormonal changes or disorders that result in hair loss.  Stress can lead to Alopecia areata, which is a condition where the white blood cells attach healthy hair follicles, causing the hair to fall out

    It may start as a spot of thinning hair, and can progress to noticeable bald patches on the scalp.   Another form of stress-induced hair loss is Telogen effluvium.  In this condition, stress causes the hair follicles to go into a resting period, and the hair may begin to fall out in clumps when washing or combing your hair.  A third form of stress related hair loss is a psychological disorder called Trichotillomania, in which the person can’t stop pulling hair out of their head, eyebrows, eyelids or other parts of their body.

    Medical Conditions that Cause Hair Loss

    There are several medical conditions that can cause hair loss.  This includes stress, anxiety, thyroid disease, low testosterone, diabetes and diseases.  People with liver disease, kidney disease and lupus can cause hair loss in men and women.  Adult women and teen girls can have hair loss due to a hormone imbalance called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

    Prescription medication come with side effects.  Some medications for depression, acne, pregnancy and hormonal imbalance can cause hair loss.  This is called drug induced hair loss, referred to as Telogen effluvium or Anagen effluvium, depending on the stage of the hair growth cycle the hair loss occurs.  One of the most destructive medications can cause hair loss is chemotherapy, which is used for the treatment of cancer.  Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that can lead to hair loss on the scalp and sometimes on the body. With this condition, the  immune system actually damages the hair follicles.   Alopecia areata can start as small bald patches and can progress to total baldness.

    Trichotillomania and Hair Loss

    Trichotillomania is a psychological impulse disorder in which a person pulls his/her own hair out.  The most common areas for hair pulling are the scalp, eyelashes, and eyebrows.  A person with trichotillomania cannot control or resist the urge to pull out his or her body hair.  symptoms of Trichotillomania that might occur with this disorder include:
    • A sense of tension before pulling hair or when trying to resist the urge to pull hair
    • A feeling of relief, satisfaction, and/or pleasure after acting on the impulse to pull hair
    • Presence of bare patches where the hair has been pulled out
    • Presence of other associated behaviors such as inspecting the hair root, twirling the hair, pulling the hair between the teeth, chewing on the hair, or eating hair (called trichophagia)
    In children, this disorder affects both males and females.  In adults, this condition is more prevalent in women than men.  People may wear hats, scarves or wigs to hide the bald spots where hair has been pulled out.  The causes of Trichotillomania are not fully understood, but it is believed to be causes by biological and behavioral factors.  A doctor who suspects his patient has this disorder will generally refer the patient to psychologist, psychiatrist or other medical professional specially trained to diagnose and treat this type of impulse disorder.

    How to Treat Hair Loss

    Accept in cases where hair loss is due to chemotherapy or a medical condition causing a patient to pull or cut their hair, doctors will prescribe a hair loss treatment that will help regrow hair.  Please consult your physician or pediatrician if the hair loss patient is a child, or you suspect a medical disorder that is causing hair loss.

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    Triceps Exercises...!!!

    Exercise 1: Tricep Cable Pushdown

    Primary Muscle
    Secondary Muscle
    (Shoulders, Chest, Back)
    Equipment Needed
    (Standing cable machine, straight-bar or angled bar attachment.)
    Mechanics Type
    Proper Exercise Technique...

    -Take a few steps back from the machine and using an overhand grip, space your hands on the bar slightly less than shoulder-with apart. You can also perform this movement with one foot in front of the other if it feels more comfortable. Lean forward and start with the bar touching your forehead. With force, drive the weight down to your waist by extending your elbows. Make sure to keep your elbows close to your sides at all times. Once you have locked your elbows out at the bottom, squeeze your triceps and then return the bar back to the starting position by touching your forehead.

    Exercise 2: Close Grip Bench Press

    Primary Muscle
    Secondary Muscle
    (Chest, Shoulders)
    Equipment Needed
    (Flat Bench, Barbell)
    Mechanics Type
    Proper Exercise Technique....

    -Lie down on a flat bench and grip the bar anywhere from 8-10 inches apart. With your feet, butt and shoulders firmly planted on the bench, un-rack the bar. Keep control of the weight, lower the bar until it touches the middle of your chest. Pause briefly at the bottom and then drive the weight back up to the starting position.

    Exercise 3: Overhead Dumbbell Extensions

    Primary Muscle
    Secondary Muscles
    Equipment Needed
    (Flat bench, dumbbell)
    Mechanics Type
    Proper Exercise Technique....

    -While sitting on a flat bench, pick up a dumbbell off the floor and place it on your thigh. Grip the weight by placing both hands, one overtop of the other, inside the dumbbell and holding the top set of plates. Use your thigh to help kick the weight up and up onto your shoulder. Extend the dumbbell directly overhead and fully extend your arms. Start the movement by lowering the dumbbell behind your head until you feel a complete stretch in your triceps. Pause very briefly at the bottom and then drive the weight back up by extending your elbows until they are fully locked out. Having a spotter is important for this lift in case you reach muscular failure when the weight is behind your head. The spotter can simply grab the weight from you and place it on the ground.
    Tip: Try to keep your elbows as close to your head as you can during this lift in order to maximize the stress on your triceps. Also remember to use a full range of motion by fully stretching your triceps at the bottom and locking the weight out completely at the top. Having a spotter is very important for this exercise to make sure you don't injure yourself.

    Exercise 4: Close Grip Tricep Dips

    -Grip the dip bars about shoulder width apart and start the movement with your arms fully extended and your body upright. Lower your body until your upper arms are just below parallel to the ground, pause briefly at the bottom, and then drive your body back up until your triceps are fully contracted and locked out.
    Tips: Make sure not to grip the bars too wide as this will shift the stress from your triceps to your chest. Also remember to stay upright throughout the movement rather than leaning forward. If you can perform more than 7 reps using your own bodyweight, use a weight belt and dumbbell to add extra resistance.

    TO BE CONTINUED.........

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    Biceps exercises....!!!

    Exercise 1: Standing Two-Armed Cable Curl

    Primary Muscle
    Secondary Muscles
    (Shoulders, Traps)
    Equipment Needed
    (Cable machine with high pully, 2 single grip handles)
    Mechanics Type
    Proper Exercise Technique

    -Stand between two pulley machines and grasp the handles of each side with an underhand grip. Allow your arms to extend straight out to your sides at shoulder level, parallel to the ground. Keeping your elbows set in place, slowly curl your hands toward your shoulders making sure that both of your biceps are doing the work. Squeeze both biceps at the peak of the movement for a one-count and return to the start position and repeat.

    Exercise 2: One-Armed Cross Body Cable Curls

    Primary Muscle
    Secondary Muscles
    (Shoulders, Traps)
    Equipment Needed
    (Cable machine with high pully, 2 single grip handles)
    Mechanics Type
    Proper Exercise Technique

    -Hold a stirrup handle attached to a low pulley machine with your left hand using an underhand grip. Slowly curl the handle up so as to try and touch your hand to your opposite shoulder, really focusing on having your biceps do the work. Slowly return to the start position and repeat with your right arm.
    Tip: It is important that you move naturally throughout the entire movement rather than keeping your back completely straight and rigid. It is okay to sway back and forth slightly as you lift and lower the weight as this is a more natural movement and will maximize muscle stimulation. Also remember not to curl the weight to the point where tension leaves your biceps.

    One Armed Cross Body Cable Curls - Start

    One Armed Cross Body Cable Curls - Finish

    Exercise 3: Dumbbell Preacher Curls

    Primary Muscle
    Secondary Muscles
    (Shoulders, Traps)
    Equipment Needed
    Mechanics Type
    Proper Exercise Technique

    -Using a preacher bench, hold one dumbbell in your right arm with your palm up. Support your arm and elbow against the pad and do not move them during the lift. Curl dumbbell up until the forearm touches the bicep. Lower to starting position using the same path. Finish set and switch arms. Can also be done with 2-arms or a regular barbell.

    Exercise 4: Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl

    Primary Muscle
    Secondary Muscles
    (Shoulders, Traps)
    Equipment Needed
    Mechanics Type
    Proper Exercise Technique

    -Sit on an incline bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your shoulders square and your chest up. Press your upper back and shoulders against the bench. Let your arms hang downward with your palms facing forward. Slowly curl the weight in your right hand out and up to shoulder level, while keeping the your palms facng out. Squeeze your bicep at the top and then slowly lower the weight back down. Now repeat with your left arm.

    Hint : wait us for more exercises of Biceps and other muscles soon...!!

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    Biceps Exercise: Hammer Curl

    Primary Muscle
    Secondary Muscles
    Shoulders, Traps
    Equipment Needed
    Mechanics Type
    Proper Exercise Technique

    Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and pick up a pair of dumbbells off the ground using your legs (not your back). With your palms facing inward, curl the dumbbells up one at a time. When you get to the top of the movement, squeeze your bicep, pause briefly, and then return the weight to the starting position. Alternate between arms until you reach muscular failure. This exercise can also be performed curling both arms at the same time as demonstrated in the video below.

    Make sure to move naturally throughout the movement by swaying your body slightly as you lift the weights. This will help to protect against injuries and will also maximize muscle stimulation. It is also important not to curl the weights past the point where tension will leave the biceps.

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    An easy way to some of the best Swedish exercises for fitness: 

    The Swedish exercises of the most important types of exercises that work to tighten the body and give it the desired shape through exercise certain muscles of the body .

    Simple and easy way to display some of the exercises are very important for the Swedish Body Fitness ...

    Exercise I: 

    This exercise requires you to stand up straight and open space between your feet equal to the width shoulders, plug in the fingers of your hands over your head with your hands and not to one side and then back to original position, repeat the movement for the other side.

     Exercise Two:

     Stand in the same position and the first exercise, but this time place your hands on both sides of your waist, down the top section of your body to the level of the knees and then go back to the original and your situation.

     Exercise Three:

     In this exercise Lie on your side and leaned on one arm and leave the other free foot above the top, lift your foot higher while maintaining the integrity of the situation and return the original.

     Exercise Four:

     Lie on your back and extend your hands beside your body with knees bent, lift your knees trying to access them to your chest and then back to your situation before.

     Exercise V:

     Lie on your back in the same position the previous exercise, but to extend your legs straight on the floor, lift your legs together at an angle of 90 degrees while maintaining Astqamthma then back to the original situation.

     Exercise VI:

     Lie on your back and knees bent and your hands behind your head plug, lift your right knee at the same time lifting the neck and upper back, trying to reach your left elbow and then return to the situation before, and so for the left knee.

     Exercise of the seventh:

     Lie on your stomach in this exercise and extend your legs while your hands back and Fardjahm Arfhm by a simple distance from the ground, knees bent toward your body with your hands to raise yourself back in time and then back to the original situation.

    Exercise Eight:

     Lie on your stomach and extend your legs while your hands you should give them to the front side of the head on the floor, knees bent toward your body with your hands to raise yourself back in time and then back to the original situation.

    Tips for Swedish exercise:

    1-  Wear a track suit and a comfortable cotton and is not loose so as not to hinder your movement.

     2 - Wear sneakers and light walking shoes, let your first choice for lightness and flexibility and to provide protection
    E enough for your feet.

    3- recommended practice these exercises the morning after an hour or more to eat breakfast.

    4- When you start to practice these exercises, start warming up exercises and is the variety of them and walk in place for several minutes.

    5 - dependent number of iterations of the same exercise on flexibility and body fitness, and in general I advise to start ten repetitions of each exercise, and becoming the twentieth repetition of that exercise was one of the two sides.

    6 - through the practice of these exercises and to beware of over-enthusiasm and try to access points can not access it, bequeath it will make you tired pain and unable to return to the exercises.
    7 - These exercises increase the flexibility of the body over a short period, what was unable to reach him during the first week will be notified by the end of the third week.

    8 - do not practice these exercises on the ground at all, but rather went to buy a carpet for these exercises, which are sold in shops all sports.

    9 - Make sure you make a table record of your measurements before doing these exercises, and then prepared to take measurements on a weekly basis until you notice the change.

    10 - include an increase in the frequencies of exercise an average of 5 occurrences per week until you get better results.

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    Great collections of fitness programs download now

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    Body fat analyzers: How accurate are they?

    How accurate are portable body fat analyzers?


    from Edward R. Laskowski, M.D.
    Photo of Bod Pod device
Bod Pod
    Although technology is improving, it's difficult to get an accurate body fat measurement from most commercially available body fat analyzers.
    Various types of body fat analyzers — also called impedance meters — are available to the general public. Results from portable body fat analyzers can vary depending on many factors, however, including the quality of the device and how hydrated you are when the measurement is taken.
    If you're concerned about your body fat percentage, skip the body fat analyzers and ask your doctor about more accurate measurement techniques. Depending on the circumstances, options may include:
    • Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). This is a specialized X-ray exam that provides detailed information about the ratio between fat, muscle and bones in specific parts of the body.
    • Air displacement plethysmography. With this technique, you're enclosed in a computerized, egg-shaped chamber (Bod Pod, others). The device measures your weight and volume to determine your body density, then uses these figures to calculate your percentage of body fat.
    • Underwater weighing. During underwater weighing, also known as hydrodensitometry, you're seated on a special chair and submerged under water. Your underwater weight or body density is then used to calculate your percentage of body fat.
    Keep in mind that specific body fat measurement techniques can be expensive and may not be available in all locations. Underwater weighing, for example, may be available only in specialized research facilities.

    What's a normal resting heart rate?


    from Edward R. Laskowski, M.D.
    For an adult, a normal resting heart rate ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute. For a well-trained athlete, a normal resting heart rate may be closer to 40 beats a minute. For healthy adults, a lower heart rate at rest generally implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness.
    To measure your heart rate, simply check your pulse. With your palm facing upward, place two fingers on the thumb side of your wrist — or place your index and third fingers on your neck to the side of your windpipe. When you feel your pulse, count the number of beats in 10 seconds. Time yourself with a timer or the second hand on a clock or watch. Multiply this number by 6 to determine how many times your heart beats in one minute.
    Keep in mind that many factors can influence heart rate, including:
    • Activity level
    • Fitness level
    • Air temperature
    • Body position (standing up or lying down, for example)
    • Emotions
    • Body size
    • Medication use
    Although there's a wide range of normal, an unusually high or low heart rate may indicate an underlying problem. Consult your doctor if your resting heart rate is consistently above 100 beats a minute (tachycardia) or below 60 beats a minute (bradycardia) — especially if you have other signs or symptoms, such as fainting, dizziness or shortness of breath.

    I've seen commercials for several brands of toning shoes. Can these types of shoes make my legs more toned?


    from Edward R. Laskowski, M.D.
    Despite the claims, there is no convincing evidence that wearing toning shoes will make your legs more toned or cause you to burn extra calories.
    Toning shoes are designed to simulate walking barefoot or walking on an uneven surface. Manufacturers say the unstable design of the shoes forces wearers to use their leg muscles more — which burns more calories and tones the muscles. However, an independent study by a nonprofit fitness organization found no evidence that wearing toning shoes leads to improved muscle tone or greater energy expenditure. In addition, there are no studies that prove that they improve balance or stability to a great degree.
    If you like the way toning shoes look and find them comfortable and not too unstable, there's probably no harm in trying a pair. And if you increase your activity as a result, you'll benefit your overall health.

    Is it OK to exercise if I have a cold?


    from Edward R. Laskowski, M.D.
    Mild to moderate physical activity is usually OK if you have a garden-variety cold and no fever. Exercise may even help you feel better by opening your nasal passages and temporarily relieving nasal congestion.
    As a general guide for exercise and illness, consider this:
    • Exercise is usually OK if your signs and symptoms are all "above the neck" — symptoms you may have with a common cold, such as runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing or minor sore throat. Consider reducing the intensity and length of your workout, though, or you may feel worse. Instead of going for a run, take a walk, for example.
    • Don't exercise if your signs and symptoms are "below the neck" — such as chest congestion, hacking cough or upset stomach.
    • Don't exercise if you have a fever, fatigue or widespread muscle aches.
    Let your body be your guide. If you have a cold and feel miserable, take a break. Scaling back or taking a few days off from exercise when you're sick shouldn't affect your performance. Resume your normal workout routine gradually as you begin to feel better. And check with your doctor if you aren't sure if it's OK to exercise.
    Remember if you do choose to exercise when you're sick, reduce the intensity and length of your workout. If you attempt to exercise at your normal intensity when you have more than a simple cold, you could risk more serious injury or illness.

    Does exercise late in the day cause insomnia?


    from Timothy Morgenthaler, M.D.
    Regular exercise reduces stress and anxiety, and generally improves sleep. But for some people, exercising within five hours of bedtime may cause problems getting to sleep.
    Keep in mind, everyone's different. For some people, late-day exercise isn't a problem. It may require some trial and error to see how working out affects the quality of your sleep. Without making any other changes that are likely to affect your sleep, take notes on how well you sleep after working out at different times. This can help you determine the time of day that's best for your workout and the least disruptive to your sleep.

    I'm having trouble sleeping lately. Does this increase my chances of getting sick?


    from Timothy Morgenthaler, M.D.
    Yes, lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Studies show that people who don't get a good night's sleep or who don't get enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as the common cold. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick.
    During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines. These substances increase in the presence of an infection, inflammation and stress. Increased cytokines are necessary in fighting infection and regulating deeper sleep. In addition, other infection-fighting cells are reduced during periods of sleep deprivation. So, your body needs sleep to fight infectious diseases.
    How much sleep do you need to bolster your immune system? The optimal amount of sleep for most adults is seven to eight hours a night. School-aged children and adolescents need nine or more hours of sleep a night.
    But be careful; more sleep is not always better. For adults, sleeping more than nine to 10 hours a night has been associated with weight gain, heart problems, stroke, sleep disorders, depression and other health concerns.

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